
The full dataset including the count matrix, cell meta data and gene meta data can be found on GEO: GSE199308.

The analysis code and small example datasets can be found on GitHub.

Filename Size Content Date Modified
gene_count.mtx.gz 5.3 Gb Count matrix (.mtx.gz) hosted on GEO, can be read using Matrix::readMM( ) in R or scanpy.read_mtx( ) in Python 2023-11-26
cell_annotate.csv.gz 26.4 Mb Cell meta data (.csv.gz) hosted on GEO, with sample information 2023-11-26
pd.csv.gz 129 Mb Cell meta data (.csv.gz) with cell type labels and other per cell QC metrics 2023-11-27
embryoID_subTraj_count_matrix.csv 22.7 Kb Embryo by sub trajectory (101 x 64) cell counts matrix (.csv) 2023-11-27
gene_meta.csv 3.1 Mb Gene IDs, type, and names (.csv) 2024-01-08
G4WT_G4Sox9RegulatoryKO.mtx 826 Mb Count matrix of subset of data containing cells from G4 WT and Sox9 Regulatory KO (.mtx) 2024-01-08
G4WT_G4Sox9RegulatoryKO_cell_meta.csv 3.1 Mb Cell meta data for subset of data containing cells from G4 WT and Sox9 Regulatory KO (.csv) 2024-01-08