
This notebook will show you how to work with the C. elegans L2-stage sci-RNA-seq data from Cao et al. (Science, 2017).
It aims to cover the following use cases:

  1. Accessing the raw data
  2. Exploring the expression pattern of a gene interest
  3. Finding differentially expressed genes between subsets of cells
  4. Re-clustering subsets of the data using t-SNE

Key advantages of sci-RNA-seq over contemporary alternatives (such as droplet-based single cell RNA-seq):

  • Sublinear cost scaling
  • Reliance on widely available reagents and equipment
  • Ability to concurrently process many samples within a single workflow
  • Compatibility with methanol fixation of cells
  • Cell capture based on DNA content rather than cell size
  • Flexibility to profile either cells or nuclei


Required R Packages

  • dplyr
  • ggplot2
  • monocle version 2.3.5

Monocle is a comprehensive package for single cell analysis developed by the Trapnell lab. Monocle version 2.3.5 is the version that was used for the paper. To install Monocle 2.3.5, open a command line and run:
  curl -O
  R CMD INSTALL monocle_2.3.5.tar

Later versions of Monocle may produce different results for use case 4 (re-clustering with t-SNE) due to changes in how we preprocess the data before running t-SNE. We will update this vignette when we release the next version of Monocle, 2.6.0, to support the new version. If you wish to learn more about Monocle click the following link to go to the Monocle Website .

Now, go back to your R session and verify that Monocle 2.3.5 installed successfully (look for monocle_2.3.5 in the output of sessionInfo).


Next, we'll download an RData file that has the Cao et al. data and some utility functions to help navigate it.

  destfile = "Cao_et_al_2017_vignette.RData")

Important Information

  • cds is a Monocle CellDataSet object containing the single cell RNA-seq data from the main L2-stage C. elegans experiment described in Cao et al., along with annotations.
  • cds.neurons is a re-clustered subset of the neuronal cells from cds.
  • cds.experiment.2 has data from the second C. elegans experiment described in Cao et al.. This includes intestine cells that were missed in the first experiment, but the data overall is lower quality than the first experiment. In the manuscript, we only included the intestine cells from this experiment and excluded the rest.

Do Not Open GitHub Issues for Questions

If you need help or have any questions, submit your posts to the Google Group. If you find a problem with the code in the vignettes or with the data quality, open a GitHub issue.

Use Case 1: Accessing the Raw Data

To this end, we have created a website to facilitate the further annotation of these data by the community ( Gene-by-cell matrices and vignettes for how to work with the data are also hosted at this site.

If you aren't familiar with working with single cell RNA-seq data, we highly recommend that you take a look at the examples and utility functions presented in the other sections of this document instead of trying to dive in to the raw data directly.

  exprs(cds)[1:3, 1:3]
3 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
cele-001-001.CATGACTCAA cele-001-001.AAGACGGCCA
WBGene00000001                              .                              .
WBGene00000002                              .                              .
WBGene00000003                              .                              .
WBGene00000001                              .
WBGene00000002                              .
WBGene00000003                              .

gene_id symbol num_cells_expressed
WBGene00000001 WBGene00000001 aap-1 1016
WBGene00000002 WBGene00000002 aat-1 354
WBGene00000003 WBGene00000003 aat-2 897

The pData function is used to access cell annotations.

annotation description
n.umi the number of unique molecular identifiers observed to be expressed by a given cell
Size_Factor n.umi divided by the geometric mean of n.umi across all cells
tsne_1 and tsne_2 the coordinates for the cell in the t-SNE dimensionality reduction
Cluster the cluster id assigned by the density peak clustering algorithm
cell.type and tissue the cluster id assigned by density peak clustering algorithm applied on the first two t-SNE reduced dimensions
cele-001-001.CATGACTCAA cele-001-001.AAGACGGCCA cele-001-001.GCCAACGCCA
cell cele-001-001.CATGACTCAA cele-001-001.AAGACGGCCA cele-001-001.GCCAACGCCA
n.umi 144 790 832
plate 001 001 001
Size_Factor 0.2368328 1.2992911 1.3683674
num_genes_expressed 89 419 338
tsne_1 5.4866377 -3.8619751 -0.5594413
tsne_2 14.67085 -27.63448 41.98569
Cluster 20 6 13
delta 0.02491657 0.40961274 0.04445184
rho 893.9855 812.2076 240.2908
cell.type Unclassified neurons Germline Intestinal/rectal muscle
tissue Neurons Gonad Intestinal/rectal muscle

neuron.type in pData(cds.neurons) is the annotation used in Figure 4 of Cao et al.

cele-001-001.CATGACTCAA cele-001-001.AACTACGGCT cele-001-001.GAGGCTTATT
cell cele-001-001.CATGACTCAA cele-001-001.AACTACGGCT cele-001-001.GAGGCTTATT
n.umi 144 201 117
plate 001 001 001
Size_Factor 0.2368328 0.3305791 0.1924267
num_genes_expressed 89 129 76
tsne_1 0.9574604 -3.0567593 -18.5689290
tsne_2 0.8288424 -41.4083795 -33.9833909
Cluster 11 8 39
delta 0.37046400 0.25861943 0.02962754
rho 108.71265 70.88069 37.29414
cell.type Unclassified neurons Ciliated sensory neurons Ciliated sensory neurons
tissue Neurons Neurons Neurons
neuron.type Cholinergic (11) ASI/ASJ AFD

Use Case 2: Expression Pattern of a Gene of Interest

The function returns statistics related to the expression of a given gene in tabular form. The first argument is the gene name. The second argument specifies whether to show statistics at the level of tissues, cell types, or neuron (sub)-types. See the examples below.

the function returns a data frame with five columns:

name description
facet the tissue / cell type / neuron type
tpm the expression of the given gene in the facet in TPM (transcripts per million)
prop.cells.expr the proportion of cells in the facet that express at least one UMI (unique molecular identifier) for the given gene. Note that cells in different facets can have very different average number of UMIs per cell, so TPM is the better measure of relative expression.
n.umi the number of UMIs (unique molecular identifiers) observed for the given gene in the facet. This is the "sample size" from which the TPM value is computed
total.n.umi.for.facet the total number of UMIs observed across all genes for all cells in the facet

RNA Leakage

Note that low levels of expression of a given gene in cell types you would not expect may be due to leakage of RNA in the fixed cells. For this experiment, based on the expression patterns for a few marker genes, we estimate that the background level of expression you will observe randomly in cells that do not truly express a given gene is ~1-2% of the expression of the highest-expressing cell type."emb-9", "tissue")
facet tpm props.cells.expr n.umi total.n.umi.for.facet
Body wall muscle 7972.27222 0.96451347 157028 19390434
Gonad 390.16652 0.03757116 3597 11166871
Intestine 597.88569 0.09775967 102 1230975
Neurons 89.83882 0.01406926 187 2203067
Gila 72.96189 0.02148228 39 787560
Pharynx 165.1210 0.01592357 14 85381
Hypodermis 47.05950 0.01821904/th> 158 5821384"emb-9", "cell type") %>% head(10)
facet tpm prop.cells.expr n.umi total.n.umi.for.facet
Distal Tip Cells 16165.1598 0.97520661 3405 202581
Body wall muscle 7972.2722 0.96451347 157028 19390434
Intestinal/rectal muscle 5211.8861 0.84740260 2622 439170
Sex myoblasts 218.2425 0.14776632 75 377288
Pharyngeal neurons 165.1210 0.01592357 14 85381
Other interneurons 137.8986 0.02483070 17 172852
Socket Cells 123.7517 0.02793296 26 184774
Coelomocytes 115.4683 0.02503682 71 544263
Non-seam hypodermis 102.4186 0.02006689 56 1059546
Somatic gonad precursors 102.1766 0.06376812 75 823856"R102.2", "neuron type") %>% head(10)
facet tpm prop.cells.expr n.umi total.n.umi.for.facet
Cluster 21 9807.74014 0.91588785 446 49587
Cluster 16 8266.64832 0.66025641 363 47719
ASK 6720.61429 0.81944444 155 24157
ASI/ASJ 6482.22237 0.74358974 239 40396
ASG 2121.04289 0.39534884 48 26295
ASEL 1670.50501 0.37837838 17 11042
ASER 795.91129 0.28571429 16 15324
AWB/AWC 85.09161 0.02380952 4 23186
Cholinergic (15) 60.56935 0.01538462 1 14463
Pharyngeal (33) 58.35581 0.02857143 2 25101

Source Code of Utility Functions

Note that you can see the source code for any of the utility functions used in this vignette. Just run the function name with no parentheses.
  function (gene,
      if (class( == "character") {
 = gsub("[.]", " ", tolower(
          if ( == "tissue")
          else if ( == "cell type")
          else if ( == "neuron type")
      } =, fData.df =$gene.annotations)
      data.frame(facet = names($tpm[, ]),
      tpm =$tpm[,],
      prop.cells.expr =$prop.cells.expr[,],
      n.umi =$n.umi[, ],
      total.n.umi.for.facet =$total.n.umi.for.facet)
        %>% arrange(-tpm)
The plot.expr function can be used to highlight cells that express a given gene on the t-SNE map.
  • Cells that do not express the gene will be colored grey. They are made semi-transparent so as to better highlight the cells that do express the gene.
  • Cells that express the gene will be colored according to their cell type. The top 4 highest-expressing cell types will be assigned distinct colors. Other cell types will be lumped together.
  • Cells in the "Failed QC" category are those that express the gene, but are excluded from the analysis due to either having an unusually low UMI count or being a likely doublet.

  plot.expr(cds, "lin-12")

  plot.expr(cds.neurons, "che-3")

Use Case 3: Differential expression between cell subsets

We've defined a function two.set.differential.gene.test that finds and reports statistics on differentially expressed genes (DEG) that distinguish between two defined sets of cells. This is a wrapper that just adds a bit of functionality around Monocle's differentialGeneTest function.

two.set.differential.gene.test takes four arguments:
argument description
cds a CellDataSet object that includes both sets of cells you wish to compare
set.1.filter a boolean vector of length ncol(cds) indicating which cells should be in Set 1
set.2.filter a boolean vector of length ncol(cds) indicating which cells should be in Set 2
formal if TRUE, p-values and q-values are computed for differential gene expression and genes are ranked by q-value. if FALSE, no formal statistical test is performed and genes are heuristically ranked. formal = F makes the function run much, much faster

Warning: Large Memory Use for Differential Expression Tests

If you run two.set.differential.gene.test on large sets of cells (> 1000-ish), it may take a bunch of memory. The utility functions is.tissue, is.cell.type, and is.neuron.type may be used to create the boolean vectors required for the set.1.filter and set.2.filter parameters. Each function takes a CellDataSet and a string and tests for each cell whether its tissue / cell type / neuron type is defined (not NA) and equal to the given value.


function (cds, x)
    with(pData(cds), ! & tissue == x)

  head(is.tissue(cds, "Gonad"))


  sum(is.tissue(cds, "Gonad"))

  > 5628

sum(is.cell.type(cds, "Distal tip cells"))
sum(is.neuron.type(cds.neurons, "ASEL"))

> 129
> 37


  > 'Body wall muscle' 'Pharynx' 'Hypodermis' 'Neurons' 'Gila' 'Gonad' 'Intestine'


  > 'Am/PH sheath cells' 'Body wall muscle' 'Canal associated neurons'
  'Cholinergic neurons' 'Ciliated sensory neurons' 'Coelomocytes' 'Distal tip cells'
  'Dopaminergic neurons' 'Excretory cells' 'flp-1(+) interneurons'
  'GABAergic neurons' 'Germline' 'Intestinal/rectal muscle' 'Intestine'
  'Non-seam hypodermis' 'Other interneurons' 'Oxygen sensory neurons'
  'Pharyngeal epithelia' 'Pharyngeal gland' 'Pharyngeal muscle' 'Pharyngeal neurons'
  'Rectum' 'Seam cells' 'Sex myoblasts' 'Socket cells' 'Somatic gonad precursors'
  'Touch receptor neurons' 'Vulval precursors'

  'Cholinergic (11)' 'Cholinergic (15)' 'Cholinergic (23)' 'Cholinergic (24)'
  'Cholinergic (26)' 'Cholinergic (29)' 'Cholinergic (3)' 'Cholinergic (35)'
  'Cholinergic (36)' 'Cluster 10' 'Cluster 13' 'Cluster 16' 'Cluster 17'
  'Cluster 21' 'Cluster 25' 'Cluster 27' 'Cluster 40' 'Cluster 5' 'Dopaminergic'
  'DVA' 'flp-1(+)' 'GABAergic' 'Pharyngeal (33)' 'Pharyngeal (37)' 'PVC/PVD'
  'RIA' 'RIC' 'SDQ/ALN/PLN' 'Touch receptor' 'URX/AQR/PQR'

ASEL.vs.ASER.DEG = two.set.differential.gene.test(
  cds.neurons, is.neuron.type(cds.neurons, "ASEL"),
    is.neuron.type(cds.neurons, "ASER"))

two.set.differential.gene.test returns the following statistics:
argument description
set.1.umi the number of UMI (unique molecular identifiers) observed for the gene in Set 1
set.2.umi the number of UMI (unique molecular identifiers) observed for the gene in Set 2
set.1.tpm gene expression in Set 1 in TPM (transcripts per million)
set.2.tpm set.2.tpm -- gene expression in Set 2 in TPM (transcripts per million)
higher.expr the number of UMI (unique molecular identifiers) observed for the gene in Set 1
log2.ratio the number of UMI (unique molecular identifiers) observed for the gene in Set 2
precision gene expression in Set 1 in TPM (transcripts per million)
recall set.2.tpm -- gene expression in Set 2 in TPM (transcripts per million)
f.score harmonic mean of precision and recall. genes are sorted by this metric
  ASEL.vs.ASER.DEG %>% head()
gene tank-1 gcy-22 gei-3 gcy-3 gcy-6 T27C4.1
set.1.n.umi 20 0 10 0 66 30
set.1.n.umi 570 129 166 147 0 164
set.1.tpm 1794.188 0.000 1095.928 0.000 6909.705 3210.293
set.2.tpm 36169.778 8862.360 12076.301 9593.506 0.000 11338.218
higher.expr Set 2 Set 2 Set 2 Set 2 Set 1 Set 2
log2.ratio 4.332578 13.113475 3.460638 13.227842 12.754408 1.819968
precision 0.8536585 1.0000000 0.9090909 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.6808511
recall 1.0000000 0.8000000 0.8571429 0.7428571 0.7297297 0.9142857
f.score 0.9210526 0.8888889 0.8823529 0.8524590 0.8437500 0.7804878

ASEL.vs.ASER.DEG %>% filter(higher.expr == "Set 1")
  %>% head()
gene gcy-6 gcy-17 crh-1 gcy-20 gcy-7 unc-44
set.1.n.umi 66 69 58 53 39 88
set.2.n.umi 0 0 12 0 0 45
set.1.n.tpm 6909.705 6553.874 5675.336 5339.037 3709.660 7647.438
set.2.tpm 0.000 0.000 800.504 0.000 0.000 2915.088
higher.expr Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1
log2.ratio 12.754408 12.678132 2.823924 12.382364 11.857071 1.390942
precision 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.8333333 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.6000000
recall 0.7297297 0.6216216 0.6756757 0.5945946 0.5675676 0.8108108
f.score 0.8437500 0.7666667 0.7462687 0.7457627 0.7241379 0.6896552

Running two.set.differential.gene.test with formal = T will compute q-value (the false detection rate at which a gene can be considered to be differentially expressed between the two sets). This is very slow however, so we recommend not using it for exploratory analysis and only using it after you've found something interesting and want to verify that the finding is statistically robust.
ASEL.vs.ASER.DEG = two.set.differential.gene.test(
    is.neuron.type(cds.neurons, "ASEL"),
    is.neuron.type(cds.neurons, "ASER"),
    formal = T, cores = min(16, detectCores()))
user system elapsed
21.241 3.599 152.575
  ASEL.vs.ASER.DEG %>% head()
gene tank-1 gcy-22 gei-3 gcy-3 gcy-6 T27C4.1
set.1.n.umi 20 0 10 0 66 30
set.2.n.umi 570 129 166 147 0 164
set.1.tpm 1794.188 0.000 1095.928 0.000 6909.705 3210.293
set.2.tpm 36169.778 8862.360 12076.301 9593.506 0.000 11338.218
higher.expr Set 2 Set 2 Set 2 Set 2 Set 1 Set 2
log2.ratio 4.332578 13.113475 3.460638 13.227842 12.754408 1.819968
precision 0.8536585 1.0000000 0.9090909 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.6808511
recall 1.0000000 0.8000000 0.8571429 0.7428571 0.7297297 0.9142857
f.score 0.9210526 0.8888889 0.8823529 0.8524590 0.8437500 0.7804878
 touch.receptor.neurons.DEG  %>% filter(higher.expr == "Set 1") %>% head()
gene mec-17 mec-18 mtd-1 mec-7 mec-1 mec-9
set.1.n.umi 2720 796 443 4418 1717 726
set.2.n.umi 118 49 15 743 695 337
set.1.tpm 24033.028 7040.671 4025.528 35936.308 16304.188 7088.606
set.2.tpm 39.202902 17.963804 5.513083 239.162028 328.822706 182.571539
higher.expr Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1
log2.ratio 9.223503 8.536321 9.271622 7.225290 5.627408 5.271088
precision 0.9009288 0.9094828 0.9476440 0.5563771 0.4609610 0.5126263
recall 0.8712575 0.6317365 0.5419162 0.9011976 0.9191617 0.6077844
f.score 0.8858447 0.7455830 0.6895238 0.6880000 0.6140000 0.5561644
  • tni-3 is a troponin that is expressed in body wall muscle (BWM) in the head, but not in the posterior.
  • cwn-1 and egl-20 are Wnt ligands that are expressed in posterior BWM, but not anterior BWM.
Using these genes as markers, let's look for differentially expressed genes between anterior and posterior BWM.
BWM.anterior.vs.posterior.DEG =
    is.cell.type(cds, "Body wall muscle") &
      expresses.gene(cds, "tni-3"),
    is.cell.type(cds, "Body wall muscle") &
      (expresses.gene(cds, "cwn-1") |
  expresses.gene(cds, "egl-20")))

BWM.anterior.vs.posterior.DEG$higher.expr = ifelse(
    BWM.anterior.vs.posterior.DEG$higher.expr == "Set 1",
    "Anterior BWM", "Posterior BWM")

gene set.1.n.umi set.2.n.umi set.1.tpm set.2.tpm higher.expr log2.ratio precision recall f.score
tni-13 6981 93 3804.24742 18.57887 Anterior BWM 7.602169 0.9819890 1.0000000 0.9909127
cwn-1 59 3113 13.99762 1311.17230 Posterior BWM 6.449980 0.9821732 0.8968992 0.9376013
T21B6.3 13869 271 5966.03306 60.20010 Anterior BWM 6.607094 0.9553265 0.8867624 0.9197684
glc-4 684 37 310.53057 11.4323046 Anterior BWM 4.642570 0.9506849 0.2767145 0.4286597
tre-3 555 5 214.79033 0.6369876 Anterior BWM 7.035742 0.9852399 0.2129187 0.3501639
F48E3.8 402 1 144.96720 0.1162907 Anterior BWM 7.020870 0.9947917 0.1523126 0.2641770
dpyd-1 289 6 91.93291 0.9050051 Anterior BWM 5.592715 0.9740933 0.1499203 0.2598480
ceh-34 307 2 131.08432 0.2528051 Anterior BWM 6.709189 0.9885057 0.1371611 0.2408964
seb-2 201 5 85.08025 0.6848107 Anterior BWM 5.658166 0.9750000 0.1244019 0.2206506
sfrp-1 335 2 145.18286 0.2754131 Anterior BWM 6.830763 0.9863946 0.1156300 0.2069950
F35C11.5 168 1 67.97453 0.5230727 Anterior BWM 5.479937 0.9923664 0.1036683 0.1877256

R102.2 is expressed in nine specific pairs of ciliated sensory neurons . We have identified some of these in this dataset, but others remain ambiguous."R102.2", "neuron type") %>% head(8)
facet tpm prop.cells.expr n.umi total.n.umi.for.facet
Cluster 21 9807.74014 0.91588785 446 49587
Cluster 16 8266.64832 0.66025641 363 47719
ASK 6720.61429 0.81944444 155 24157
ASI/ASJ 6482.22237 0.74358974 239 40396
ASG 2121.04289 0.39534884 48 26295
ASEL 1670.50501 0.37837838 17 11042
ASER 795.91129 0.28571429 16 15324
AWB/AWC 85.09161 0.02380952 4 23186

plot.expr(cds.neurons, "R102.2")

two.set.differential.gene.test can be used to find DEG between the mystery R102.2(+) clusters and other ciliated sensory neurons. If you can figure out what these clusters correspond to, let us know!
neuron.cluster.21.vs.other.CSN.DEG =
    is.neuron.type(cds.neurons, "Cluster 21"),
    !is.neuron.type(cds.neurons, "Cluster 21") &
    is.cell.type(cds.neurons, "Ciliated sensory neurons"))

neuron.cluster.21.vs.other.CSN.DEG$higher.expr = ifelse(
  neuron.cluster.21.vs.other.CSN.DEG$higher.expr == "Set 1",
  "Cluster 21", "Other CSN")

  neuron.cluster.21.vs.other.CSN.DEG %>%
    filter(higher.expr == "Cluster 21",
  precision >= 0.8) %>% head(10)
gene set.1.n.umi set.2.n.umi set.1.tpm set.2.tpm higher.expr log2.ratio precision recall f.score
C39D10.2 226 1 5237.910 1.667334 Cluster 21 10.939377 0.9880952 0.7757009 0.8691099
T09B9.3 197 0 3836.121 0.000000 Cluster 21 11.905433 1.0000000 0.6074766 0.7558140
F15A4.5 157 15 3677.812 67.963116 Cluster 21 5.736879 0.8923077 0.5420561 0.6744186
flp-25 100 7 1775.299 44.020086 Cluster 21 5.301349 0.9137931 0.4953271 0.6424242
C18H7.6 118 0 2385.147 0.000000 Cluster 21 11.219863 1.0000000 0.4579439 0.6282051
cdh-3 79 11 1811.618 69.489017 Cluster 21 4.683736 0.8809524 0.3457944 0.4966443
K04D7.6 65 0 1110.520 0.000000 Cluster 21 10.117019 1.0000000 0.2710280 0.4264706
C29F4.3 53 0 1067.368 0.000000 Cluster 21 10.059842 1.0000000 0.2523364 0.4029851
K02E2.1 39 0 1084.714 0.000000 Cluster 21 10.083099 1.0000000 0.2523364 0.4029851
dhs-9 67 15 987.323 53.024505 Cluster 21 4.191836 0.8484848 0.2616822 0.4000000

neuron.cluster.16.vs.other.CSN.DEG =
    is.neuron.type(cds.neurons, "Cluster 16"),
    !is.neuron.type(cds.neurons, "Cluster 16") &
      "Ciliated sensory neurons"))

neuron.cluster.16.vs.other.CSN.DEG$higher.expr = ifelse(
  neuron.cluster.16.vs.other.CSN.DEG$higher.expr == "Set 1",
  "Cluster 16", "Other CSN")

  neuron.cluster.16.vs.other.CSN.DEG %>%
      filter(higher.expr == "Cluster 16") %>% head(10)
gene set.1.n.umi set.2.n.umi set.1.tpm set.2.tpm higher.expr log2.ratio precision recall f.score
F27C1.11 223 367 5302.959 1576.21303 Cluster 16 1.7494202 0.3537118 0.5192308 0.4207792
W05F2.7 137 309 3007.794 1054.38784 Cluster 16 1.5109326 0.3564356 0.4615385 0.4022346
M04B2.6 117 4 2144.256 14.78412 Cluster 16 7.0858594 0.9285714 0.2500000 0.3939394
ocr-2 100 81 2408.536 294.50719 Cluster 16 3.0268916 0.5465116 0.3012821 0.3884298
osm-10 66 32 1209.716 124.87432 Cluster 16 3.2646129 0.7222222 0.2500000 0.3714286
R102.2 363 926 8266.648 3753.48748 Cluster 16 1.1386865 0.2524510 0.6602564 0.3652482
T01D3.1 87 122 1849.955 382.64946 Cluster 16 2.2696298 0.4112903 0.3269231 0.3642857
ida-1 337 1211 7843.130 5636.27821 Cluster 16 0.4764307 0.2234848 0.7564103 0.3450292
lap-2 132 55 2344.214 231.93208 Cluster 16 3.3311228 0.5263158 0.2564103 0.3448276
rps-11 83 230 2013.967 1036.83972 Cluster 16 0.9564565 0.2863636 0.4038462 0.3351064

Use Case 4: Re-clustering cell subsets using t-SNE

In the Cao et al. paper, we found that several of the neuron t-SNE clusters expressed markers of cholinergic neurons such as unc-17, cho-1, and cha-1. Let's perform a sub-clustering of these cholinergic neurons to see if we can get better separation. First, we'll identify which clusters are enriched for cells that express cholinergic markers.

pData(cds.neurons)$any.cholinergic.marker =
    (expresses.gene(cds.neurons, "unc-17") +
     expresses.gene(cds.neurons, "cho-1") +
     expresses.gene(cds.neurons, "cha-1")) > 0

pData(cds.neurons) %>%
    group_by(Cluster) %>%
    summarize( = n(), n.cholinergic =
        prop.cholinergic = n.cholinergic / %>%
        unique(pData(cds.neurons)[, c("Cluster",
        by = "Cluster") %>%
    arrange(-prop.cholinergic) %>%

Cluster n.cholinergic prop.cholinergic neuron.type
29 305 155 0.5081967 Cholinergic (29)
23 45 19 0.4222222 Cholinergic (23)
3 385 131 0.3402597 Cholinergic (3)
26 261 81 0.3103448 Cholinergic (26)
35 58 16 0.2758621 Cholinergic (35)
36 128 35 0.2734375 Cholinergic (36)
15 65 16 0.2461538 Cholinergic (15)
12 68 14 0.2058824 DVA
24 188 38 0.2021277 Cholinergic (24)
8 117 23 0.1965812 ASI/ASJ
11 1998 387 0.1936937 Cholinergic (11)
6 160 21 0.1312500 SDQ/ALN/PLN
25 363 43 0.1184573 Cluster 25
41 211 24 0.1137441 Doublets
16 156 17 0.1089744 Cluster 16

cholinergic.clusters = c(29, 23, 3, 26, 35, 36, 15, 24, 11)
plot_cell_clusters(cds.neurons, color =
  "Cluster %in% cholinergic.clusters",
  cell_size = 0.2)

cds.cholinergic =
    cds.neurons[, pData(cds.neurons)$Cluster %in%
cat(ncol(cds.cholinergic), "cells in the cds subset", "\n")

cds.cholinergic = estimateSizeFactors(cds.cholinergic)
cds.cholinergic = estimateDispersions(cds.cholinergic)
    # above line would take a lot of memory for larger cell sets
cds.cholinergic = detectGenes(cds.cholinergic, 0.1)

> 3433 cells in the cds subset

The next step is to run a new t-SNE dimensionality reduction on this subset of cells.

cds.cholinergic = reduceDimension(
    cds.cholinergic, max_components = 2, norm_method = "log",
    num_dim = 20, reduction_method = 'tSNE', verbose = T)

pData(cds.cholinergic)$tsne_1 = reducedDimA(cds.cholinergic)[1,]
pData(cds.cholinergic)$tsne_2 = reducedDimA(cds.cholinergic)[2,]

user system elapsed
164.398 2.898 168.483

20 principal components looks like it's enough for this data. If you don't see an elbow in the scree plot, that means you've used too few principal components.


ggplot(pData(cds.cholinergic), aes(x = tsne_1, y = tsne_2)) +
    geom_point(size = 0.1) +

Now we'll cluster the cells in the t-SNE space using density peak clustering. In density peak clustering, rho measures to the local density of cells and delta measures the minimum distance to a region of higher local density. Go to this site for more details. You want to set thresholds on rho and delta that enclose the outlier points in the scatter plot. In my experience, it's usually better to over-cluster than to under-cluster.

  cds.cholinergic = clusterCells_Density_Peak(cds.cholinergic)

  > Distance cutoff calculated to 2.694535

    rho_threshold = 10,
    delta_threshold = 6)

cds.cholinergic = clusterCells_Density_Peak(cds.cholinergic,
    rho_threshold = 10, delta_threshold = 6, skip_rho_sigma = T)
plot_cell_clusters(cds.cholinergic, cell_size = 0.2)

Looks like there are many distinct clusters. Recall that we input only 9 clusters from the cds.neurons t-SNE into this re-clustering. The re-clustering appears to have revealed new potential distinct cell types.

Now would be a good time to save your progress.


Let's find marker genes for each cluster.

  cholinergic.clusters =

> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

DEG.results = lapply(cholinergic.clusters,
    function(this.cluster) {
  message("Finding markers for cluster ", this.cluster)
            pData(cds.cholinergic)$Cluster == this.cluster,
            pData(cds.cholinergic)$Cluster != this.cluster),
        data.frame(cluster = this.cluster))

cholinergic.cluster.markers =, DEG.results) %>%
        filter(higher.expr == "Set 1") %>%
      cluster, gene,
      cluster.n.umi = set.1.n.umi,
      other.n.umi = set.2.n.umi,
      cluster.tpm = set.1.tpm,
      other.tpm = set.2.tpm,
      log2.ratio, precision, recall, f.score) %>%

  cholinergic.cluster.markers %>%
      filter(precision >= 0.5) %>% head(10)
Cluster gene cluster.n.umi cluster.n.omi cluster.tpm other.tpm log2.ratio precision recall f.score
7 B0432.14 194 11 10886.411 5.8332893 10.637661 0.9047619 0.9500000 0.9268293
13 nlp-42 299 15 22725.799 17.1886827 10.287074 0.8833333 0.9137931 0.8983051
13 nlp-42 299 15 22725.799 17.1886827 10.287074 0.8833333 0.9137931 0.8983051
21 flp-12 1379 297 17963.487 366.8397815 5.609846 0.7282609 0.8777293 0.7960396
13 T04C12.3 173 25 12067.242 22.8874212 8.980629 0.7407407 0.6896552 0.7142857
22 lgc-39 289 93 5300.848 120.7416859 5.444328 0.6346154 0.6839378 0.6583541
1 sem-2 128 63 6240.354 52.4115889 6.868331 0.6615385 0.6056338 0.6323529
2 vglu-2 30 1 2356.216 0.6977763 10.438609 0.9523810 0.4444444 0.6060606
15 Y48C3A.5 339 145 6989.459 148.0684921 5.551134 0.5747664 0.6243655 0.5985401
10 glb-17 81 19 4790.632 16.9955396 8.056433 0.7352941 0.5000000 0.5952381
9 nlp-5 34 24 3552.050 21.1320088 7.326374 0.5500000 0.6470588 0.5945946

In the previous examples for using plot.expr, the function used pre-computed expression tables for cds and cds.neurons to show which cell types / neuron types were expressing a given gene. The following code will set up plot.expr so it can show which density peak clusters from this re-clustering analysis express a given gene. You can also use with your own clustering. =,

plot.expr(cds.cholinergic, "lgc-39", ="lgc-39", %>% head(10)
facet tpm prop.cells.expr n.umi total.n.umi.for.facet
21 4677.68319 0.618644068 305 63153
18 244.90291 0.060606061 4 14652
19 232.84907 0.052884615 14 50800
8 217.45530 0.038461538 18 80071
4 155.65487 0.027100271 24 174660
22 129.10174 0.024615385 10 117663
1 79.17593 0.028169014 2 19954
6 60.42661 0.014925373 1 17215
9 56.34438 0.029411765 1 12093
10 30.47108 0.008196721 1 26202

plot.expr(cds.cholinergic, "vglu-2", ="vglu-2", %>% head(10)

facet tpm prop.cells.expr n.umi total.n.umi.for.facet
2 2356.21566 0.44444444 30 11540
14 37.52486 0.01587302 1 23493
1 0.00000 0.00000000 0 19954
3 0.00000 0.00000000 0 19911
4 0.00000 0.00000000 0 174660
5 0.00000 0.00000000 0 51233
6 0.00000 0.00000000 0 17215
7 0.00000 0.00000000 0 17691
8 0.00000 0.00000000 0 80071
9 0.00000 0.00000000 0 12093
    plot.expr(cds.cholinergic, "unc-17", ="unc-17", %>% head(10)

facet tpm prop.cells.expr n.umi total.n.umi.for.facet
9 3200.3642 0.3823529 44 12093
2 2944.3520 0.2888889 27 11540
13 2128.1049 0.2500000 29 13140
5 2087.7739 0.2731959 119 51233
15 1992.1189 0.2941176 62 31426
6 1721.6386 0.2686567 34 17215
8 1527.0847 0.1826923 126 80071
4 1344.6852 0.1585366 235 174660
12 1114.1395 0.1718213 123 97104
16 886.1635 0.1923077 16 19103